Wednesday, January 26, 2011


It was nearly 5 years ago that I was introduced to this term. I was struggling then. We had lost little Konner and had continued to stagger through as we lost 2 more precious babies early in pregnancy. I needed something...anything to grab on to. In God's perfect way I picked up "Believing God" by Beth Moore and He brought healing through those pages and the scriptures she presented.

It was in that book that I first learned about "Godstops". Beth defined "Godstops" as the glimpses we catch of God at work.

In John 5:17 Jesus says, "My father is always at his work to this very day,and, I too am working."

Our Lord is constantly working in us, through us, around us. The idea behind "Godstops" is look for the evidence of his work. Beth says "the more "see" God at work, the more we'll believe, and the more believe the more we are liable to see"!!

I truly believe that this journaling of gifts, this counting of blessings is doing just that. The more blessings I write down the more I see him working.

In the book she says that the "stop" in "Godstops" stand for:

I am choosing to believe more so that I can see more and in turn believe more!

Have you had any "Godstops" lately? I would love to hear about them!!

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