Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Obstacle course...

I adore this weather we are having...the promise of spring just around the corner. The boys and I have so enjoyed jumping on the trampoline, swinging, playing basketball, and riding bikes. Saturday evening was one of those nights I hope I always remember...all five of us just playing together in the yard. The smell of sweaty little boys, the sound of sweet laughter, watching little feet run as fast as they can. The simple moments, the moments that make up life, the moments I want to take time to treasure.

But...last week before all of this warm weather, the sun was shining but it was still a little chilly. To stay warm while we played outside the boys and I decided to make our own obstacle course. Once again it was just a sweet moment. I am not sure I have laughed that hard in months.

Under the swing set...

Up the ladder...

Down the slide...

Under the trampoline (this is where they got me...I was in the lead until this part and they just whizzed right by)...

Over the table...

I hope my boys always remember that Jesus has the power to overcome any obstacle just like they did in our little race. I pray that they will trust Him and cling to Him even when things are tough. I pray that like our little game they will be able to laugh at the days to come, knowing that nothing, absolutely nothing is impossible with Christ!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

What sweet memories! So...I gotta ask...who took the photo of YOU doing the obstacle course? So fun!