For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12
I love that scripture is alive. I love that verses I have read 100's of times before suddenly jump out at me after years of never really noticing them. I love that God's word is soothing to my soul and that I often find comfort as I thumb through the Psalms or when I read that He rejoices over me with singing in Zephaniah.
I find myself wondering much like David..."who is man that you are mindful of him".
How is it that this great big God that we serve who is so worthy and full glory would care about our hurts, our disappointments, even our bruised feelings? I am finding myself amazed by His great mercy and love.
Much like Hebrews says God's word does penetrate my heart and often times it reveals the dark places that still remain. The evidence of my humanness and the old sinful nature that reigned in me for so long. 2 Timothy says that all scripture is "God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness..."
I am so thankful that our God not only cares about our heart breaks but also cares enough to train us in the way that we should go. He loves us enough that He provided a road map for that is living and breathing and will be sure to guide us if we will be willing to read it!
So last night God decided to use His word for some teaching, rebuking, and training in my life. I went to a friend's house and she began reading from Psalm 37. A familiar Psalm. One that Nathan and I have spent several evenings discussing in the recent days. But last night the words nearly jumped off the page as my friend began to read.
Psalm 37:25-26
I was young and now I am old,
yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken
or their children begging for bread.
They are always generous and lend freely;
their children will be blessed.Did you catch it...the righteous...the are
always generous and lend freely.
I love that God doesn't use big words like righteous without explaining what they mean!
So this week I had an opportunity. I had the chance to open my home to someone in need.
And I hesitated.
I did not lend freely.
Yes, I have millions of house is being remodeled, I haven't been without someone in my home other than my family in almost a year, we are in the middle of an adoption, and the list went on and on. With each excuse I felt a little more justified.
But then God spoke. No I don't hear Him audibly in my head but I knew that He was telling me...give freely Jenna. Not just when it makes sense, not just when it involves a child or Africa, but give without hesitation.
A couple of nights ago I talked with the boys about Abraham and how God called him to leave everything he had and move to a new land. We talked about how sometimes God asks us to do hard things.
The very next night we talked about Sarah and how God promised her a baby but it seemed like it would never come. Then true to His word...God answered His promise.
Did you catch it in that Psalm, that God does ask us to do something hard. To be generous and to lend freely is tough...but the next line is a promise..."their children will be blessed".
Wow...not only does God teach me, comfort me, and love me, He promises to bless my children if I will be made righteous in Him and give without hesitation. A great God is my God indeed.
Lord, let us give generously and lend freely at all times...