Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What Now?

It is the name of a Steven Curtis Chapman song that I have come to understand more and more in the last few weeks.

It is also the question I have been asking myself over and over again.

I was first drawn to the song because it talks about a sweet orphan girl across the world where he saw the face of Jesus. But then it goes on to say "I heard the voice Jesus gently whisper to my heart, didn't you say you wanted to find me...here I am, here you are...what now?

At first I didn't understand those words until I looked more closely at Matthew 25:40..."And whatever you did for one of the least of these you did it for me". I have always liked to see myself as acting "like" Jesus when I reach out to those in need. But if I really look hard at this verse I see that in a sense Jesus is the one in need...for He says that when we take care of the least of these we are taking care of Him.

So now I know...

I know that there are children and people all over the world who are struggling to eat just one meal a day.

I know that there are people within ten minutes of my home that live with no running water and who are struggling to keep their family together.

So what now? Now that I have found Jesus what do I do now?

To be honest the task at hand seems so overwhelming. But in growing closer to the Lord I have begun to recognize that overwhelmed is just where Satan likes to keep me so that I am too paralyzed to do anything.

So what about you? I would love to know ideas that you have for how to give and love on these people in need. Ideas you have for how to get out of this American me, me and more me mentality.

Comments Welcome!:)

Here is a link to the video for the song...it is worth watching!

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Jenna, I just love reading your blog. Even when you have so many unknowns washing over you, you lift up others. You are a true blessing to all who read your blog.

Right now, our biggest task in being able to give to others more is to get ourselves out of debt. After that, the options are limitless! Once we are free from debt, we will be free to give.

I can't honestly say that I'm doing much more to care for the needs of others right now, but your past few posts have really made me think about what I could be doing and where I could serve. Thanks for your honesty and bringing out the best in others!!