Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Checking In

I am a starter...I love to start things. You know, I start a new workout program, or an attempt to learn how to sew. I start looking into a new ministry, or even start a new devotional. I make up schedules of how I can fit everything into my day all with the intent of finishing all of these things I love starting. The problem...I am NOT a good finisher.
So I am checking in, holding myself accountable for the things I have started recently. Not long ago I wrote a post about diligence and knowing that God is calling me to be diligent even when I don't feel like it or when things are hard. He has even promised that those who are diligent will get results. It is my desire to allow God to change my ways...to make me a finisher.
Here are the things I have started:
*doing school with Kaden at home
*buying groceries on a budget of $100 per week
*Reading and studying The Mission of Motherhood with a group of ladies
*working out (P90x and running)

Here is how I am doing:
*school with Kaden is really going well. Yes, there have been those days when I didn't feel like doing school or when Kaden didn't feel like it either. But, I am starting to see the fruits of my labor. ( I will have a post about this soon). We have been going for 12+ weeks now!:)
*I have managed to stay right at or very close to my $100 budget for the last 3 weeks! There are lots of days when I don't want to cut out coupons or search for the best deal, days when it would be easier to just walk through and get exactly what I want without even looking at the cost...but diligence in this area is really paying off!
*I have done really well with the bible study...it is VERY challenging and has forced me to think long and hard about my calling as a mom and to break free of some ideas I had about parenting.
*working out is still an area where I struggle. I have been careful not to go a whole week without at least exercising or running one time. Last week I worked in 2 runs and a workout video. My goal...at LEAST 5 days a week.

I am sure I will come up with lots of other things to start but for now this what I am working on... striving my best to finish and finish well!


Michelle said...

Sounds like you are doing a great job!

Keri said...

OK, I'm tired just from reading all that you do. I think you are doing a super job as a mom.

BeechemBrightSpots said...

You are doing a great job, Jenna! I love the picture of the boys working together on the floor! So Karter's going to be a lefty?? :) Yea! I think being left-handed AND red-headed makes you smarter! :)