Thursday, August 20, 2009

Breaking the rules...

The instructions for the jumperoo say to wait until Kolson is 4 months old but...I thought he might be tired of always having to lay back in a bouncy seat so we gave it a try today! He LOVED it. Even though his feet can't touch the ground he loved just hanging out looking at the lights and watching the boys play blocks.
Here he is enjoying the lights! I love that he smiles now and Nathan even got a little giggle out of him last night! Why is it that I change the diapers, get up at night, and make the bottles but Daddy gets the first laugh?:)


Kathryn said...

I love the pictures! Keep them coming :) I need some good reading material these next few weeks! Thanks again for dinner the other night!

JMass said...

Too cute!

Claire said...

We put Tyler in his jumperoo early and put a pillow under his feet to help him out!