Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Our New Journey

We are offically on a new journey! After much prayer and thought we have decided to spend one more year with Kaden at home before Kindergarten. Our first thought was a three-day-week pre-k program...which would be great if it wasn't so far away. So....we decided that I would spend this year doing some "home school" stuff to help prepare him for Kindergarten. This new journey has forced this not so organized girl to get her stuff together. We have chosen to go with a curriculum that is biblically based. This week we are studying Creation. Here is a look at our first two days of "school".

Of course we start everyday with Calendar time
On the first day God created Day and Night so we did a Day and Night Sort where we sorted pictures by what we do in the daytime and what we do at night time.

Our first "sight word" is "THE" so Kaden wrote a sentence using the.
(The fat cat.)
Math and fine motor skills in one...matching the size words with the correct size clips

practicing our sight word in salt!

On the second day God created the sky and the we did some water play!

Please keep us in your prayers as we are on this wild ride! I want so bad for all three of my boys to learn and grow spiritually as well as academically through this little journey.


Jennifer said...

you are such a great mom...I am so inspired!

Kathryn said...

You are going to do an awesome job! I love the pics of all that you are doing with the boys!