Thursday, September 10, 2009

Prompted by Love...

Recently Nathan has been spending some time on Sunday Nights just reading through scripture. I love hearing him read God's word. He started in 1 Thessalonians so last week I thought I would look a little deeper into that book. I didn't have to go very deep...God started showing me something in the 3rd verse that I have not been able to get out of mind. Verse 3 says..."We continually remember before our God and father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope hope in our Lord Jesus Christ." It was the "labor prompted by love" that got me.
I want the things that I do to be prompted by love...even if it is picking up this mess Karter made last week while trying to pour his own bowl of cereal.

Not that I should have been surprised...this is Kaden a few years ago!:)

Can I be totally honest and tell you that staying home with 3 kids is WAY different than when I stayed home with 1 kiddo. With 3 someone is always hungry, or poopy, or crying, or making a mess. There are always dishes to do and I have never, not even once, found the bottom of the dirty clothes pile since little Kolson joined our crew! There have been days when I have wanted to beg and plead with my principal to give me a job, any job! But, this verse is slowly working on my heart. I know that I am blessed to be able to stay home with my children and I want to make the best of each moment. I want them to know that I wipe their messy faces, or fold their clean clothes, or even pick up their messes because I LOVE them...not because I have to.


Keri said...

Be glad there wasn't any milk in that cereal. :p

If you need a break, even for laundry, let me know.

Flo and Grace said...

Labors of love....for sure. What wouldn't we do for our children? I know Karter is much happier having you there more. There will ALWAYS be a place for you teaching - especially at Eustace - whenever you've done your job at home. I miss ya! We kind of are on different planets, but maybe we can plan a "late afternoon" playdate. life does NOT end at 4:00. We're still ready to do things!

Kathryn said...

You are such a great mom! I love the matching pics of the boys with their cereal. Just think...this time next year you may get to snap one of Kolson joining in on the fun!

Unknown said...

Oh, the life of a mom. Its much more work than I could have ever imagined and it NEVER ends. There's always something else to clean or pick up, always a run to the potty or a snack to be given, always a book to be read or a paper to be colored! But what a precious responsibility that we get as we shape the sweet lives of the children God entrusts us with.
I love your post! I only have one but wow, I feel like I can relate!

Epic estes adventures said...

The greatest part is that you remembered to take a picture before cleaning up the mess!