Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Prayer Request

I am writing today to ask for your prayers. Don't worry...everyone is healthy and well and our still yet to be named baby boy is growing just fine. This prayer request involves praying for my family and the opportunities God has sent our way during the month of February.

As most of you know, Nathan and I met at a revival where he was preaching and I was helping lead worship. We met in the ministry and God in his graciousness has seen fit to keep us there ever since! However, most of the time we are ministering separately...he is preaching and visiting the sick while I am teaching children's choir and volunteering the nursery. It is a great privilege when we get to "go back to our roots" and minister together on the same stage. February will provide us with 2 opportunities to do this very thing.

On the 13th we will be doing a Valentine's Banquet where we will be encouraging people in their marriages. On the 17th we have to great privilege of ministering to those church staff members who were effected by the hurricane last year. Please be praying that God will use us in spite of us. That He will shine and get all of the glory. February is crazy month with the TAKS test coming up for me at school, the revival at our home church, and I will also be doing a Ladies Retreat during the 20-21. With all of that I am feeling like I don't have much to offer...I am trusting in the fact that God has EVERYTHING to offer, and hoping that if He can use a donkey He can use us!:)

Thanks in advance for your prayers!
I hope everyone is having a great week!


Nathan said...

just wondering who the donkey is in this story:)

Flo and Grace said...

February will be a tiring but rewarding month for you guys! Let me know if/how I can help'll be in my prayers!

Keri said...
